School Report

The 10 schools participating in the LISTROS DAY 2012 are almost all schools, where approximately 40% of the students excercise a job.

Three students - Helina Dinku, Heran Girma and Hiwust Ashenafi, graduates from the law department of Hawassa University - compiled a "Report on the observation and data collection made on the problems of 10 selected primary schools situated in Addis Abeba."

They focussed their study on the areas of

  • Academic problems
  • Infrastructure
  • Extracurricular and recreational activities

In addition they talked to 25 students to find out more about their living conditions.

The evidence gathered by the students were discussed with teachers and pupils. After two feedback sessions they were documented in Amharic and English.

Their assessment: "At first, we entered this mission with the belief that it would b a simple task to figure out the needs of these schools since we had assumed that the schools would have been more or less better equipped. But as the sutdy commenced we found the task to be very difficult and heart breaking. Most of these schools were under staffed and had a lot shortages. ... We witnessed and heard a lot of heart breaking stories from the students we ahd teh chance to interview which helped us come up with our own methond of perticipating and contributing to the cause."

Read the full report