Design students at the Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule (btk) in Berlin and the University of Fine Arts and Design in Addis Ababa participated in a competition held simultaneously in both cities in summer 2012. They were called upon to design posters spreading the vision of LISTROS DAY.

The two winners from Berlin were awarded with a trip to Addis Ababa financed by the Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule. The winners of the first and second prize from Addis received monetary prizes.

Poster Campaign

In September 2012 the two winning students from Berlin, Julia Lachmann and Dominik Fleischmann, went to Addis Ababa and met up with the Ethiopian art students.

In the weeks running up to October 20, the student group carried out a poster campaign spreading the four winning posters all over the city thus announcing the LISTROS DAY campaign. 

Reactions by the public and by the Listros themselves were amazing. Some just watched, others wanted the posters. Futhermore, inspiring conversations about the goals and meaning of the LISTROS DAY campaign developed. 

Poster Exhibition

On 20 October, following the LISTROS DAY festival in Minilik school, we presented all posters applications from Addis Ababa and Berlin in the gallery of the Alle Fine Art and Design School of the public.

To connect these two events, the gate between the Dagmawi Minilik Primary School and the Art School was opened in order to suggest that a connection between pupils and students might develop in the future.

Winners of the Idea Contest attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition. To them it was their first visit to an art school ever and they tremendously enjoyed beig in the limelight.

As a conclusion of the festive LISTROS DAY this evening event did not only showcase the creativity and dedication of the many social groups involved but proved a truly inspiring motivating impetus to continue the LISTROS DAY CAMPAIGN in the next years.